The 10 Fun And easy Computer Tricks
Oh yeah. I highly anticipate you blogging on your own Stupid PowerShell Tricks; send me a link through the contact form or add a comment with a link to your blog! I’ve already blogged a bit about it, and how using PowerShell to explore new APIs is both fun and rewarding. Your steps convert right into this little game and make it super fun to get your step on! This virus will keep on writing the given message continuously without a pause wherever it get a space to write and since you will need to restart your computer to stop this, please try this after closing all important programs. If you don't want to mess up the weekly and monthly averages though, you will want to make sure you add it manually. 17. Make it a Game! I wish game makers would realize that not every game has to be about shooting and killing. By default, booting up a game switches over to discrete graphics, which use a lot more energy than the graphics cores integrated in Intel chips and AMD Ryzen APUs. Update: Fo...